I approach mixing and mastering as a live performer and sculptor. Attention to detail, spatialization and timbral effecting are some of my expertise. With efficiency and versatility I can expertly mix and master music of many different genres with a preference for hip hop and live instrumental music.
If you are interested in production services please use the button or form below to contact me. Thank you. 
Below are several examples of mixing and mastering projects I have completed. Each audio files contain A/B mixes, first showing original recordings followed by my mix version. In addition, I explain the choices I made for each mix.

Barnstar! - You Don't Know

Barnstar! - You Don't Know
This was a live studio recording featuring multiple room mics, stereo pairs and iso dubs. Due to the genre of bluegrass' history I maintained a more "live" mix by using the room mics as reference to recreate the ensembles spacing. 
Tytillidie x Xollllinnnn - Bankroll
Studio recording with electronic instruments. I used the spacious vibe created by the piano to inform the rest of this mix. I decided on dynamic panning and aggressive processing to create an atmospheric mix that still delivers punch.
Tytillidie x Xollllinnnn - Bankroll

Colebrook Road - Bright Angel

Colebrook Road - Bright Angel (Live)
This project used live recordings. This required cleaning audio files, managing bleed, and strict stereo spacing.  I maintained the live nuances while tamping down several impurities such as tone quality or pitch correction (auto-tuning).
Thank you!

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